River Cruise

Thursday – Oct 2 - BAMBERG

Yeah!!!! Have finally managed a ‘play around’ and got this email looking the way I really want it to come out. I might do website work for clients and have everything looking you beaut for them but like a carpenter who never finishes building his house, I never really did get around to making my emails resemble something sensible. But for most email clients, this should now look heaps better!

So, on with the blurb.....

Today was what we referred to as ‘Castle Day” – a section of the Rhine River where all the fabulous and very old castles are situated high on the adjoining hills. All very picturesque of course so a million photos taken by all on board. Our weather for this particular day was nothing to be overexcited about – in fact it was very cold, dull and gloomy but that did not stop us all spending the day admiring the scenery along the way.

Lunchtime we arrived at Rudeshiem – the town I have already spoken about in an earlier news blurb! This was our afternoon of sunshine but still not warm enough to bare the arms just yet!

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